
Democratizing Digital Skills Education: The 2023 Impact Report by Remote Skills Academy

As we present the Remote Skills Academy Impact Report for 2023, it is my honor to reflect on a year marked by heartwarming achievements and enduring commitments to our mission of empowering the next generation through digital skills and remote work education.

Front Cover

Since we started our journey in 2020, we have witnessed remarkable growth, serving a total of over 6,500 students. In 2023 alone, we have delivered our programs to 1,403 students across 17 diverse education programs, 412 of whom engaged in our live programs, and 991 with our self-led recorded courses. 

Our main live bootcamps, VA Bootcamp and Super VA Bootcamp remain the popular go-to for our students to start their remote careers. Our AI-Powered Marketing Assistant Course is a testament to our dedication to adapting to new technology, boasting high participant satisfaction and real-world impact.

This year, we are very happy to start a new education program with PT Freeport Indonesia, called Digital Marketing & Content Creation program for Timika youth. It was a 2-day live workshop and 3 months of online mentoring. The transformative impact of this program not only uplifted 20 Papua youths but also significantly enhanced our partner’s engagement with the community.  

Our commitment to inclusivity and empowerment is further reflected in our collaboration with the Single Moms Indonesia Community, delivering a specially tailored VA Mini Course for 78 single moms in their community. The course is not only a source of knowledge but also a symbol of hope and a new beginning for them. We’re grateful for this collaboration. 

We are also proud of our partnership with Girls in Tech Indonesia and CSG to create Girls in Tech Scholarship 2023, which has enabled 12  selected Awardees of girls in technology, to excel in Full Stack Development and QA Automation and eventually be hired as interns at CSG.

Last but not least, we conclude the year with our partnership with Bori Vigh, creating the Remote Skills Academy chapter Hungary, where Hungarian aspiring remote workers learn from our modules and trainers. 

Looking ahead, we remain steadfast in our mission to close the digital skills gap and foster a community of skilled remote workers. Our plans for expansion and innovation are ambitious, yet achievable with calculated strategies and action plans to reach our sustainability. Thanks to the unwavering support of our trainers, partners, our students, our volunteers, and most importantly, our team members.  

As we open our door to another year, we reaffirm our commitment to being at the forefront of digital skills development, making a lasting impact in the lives of our students and the broader community so that they can live on their own terms.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. 

The Remote Skills Academy’s 2023 Impact Report is available for download here.


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